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Course Admin

How to Export Course Components

Instructors can export all or part of a D2L course site as a .zip file. Exporting a course allows
instructors to create a copy of the course design and content that can be imported into
another course.

Copying Sandbox Course Components into a Live Course

“Copy Course Components” allows the instructor to copy course materials and activities from one Brightspace course site to another. This process copies only course materials and activities; it does not copy student data.
Please Note: To copy course materials from one Brightspace course site to another, you must be enrolled in both course sites as an instructor. If you would like to copy materials from another instructor’s Brightspace course site, that instructor must add you to their course as an instructor.
Also, be careful and make sure that when you start the process below that you are starting from your live course and not the sandbox.

Course Homepages

All courses are initially set up with a default course homepage by your system administration. You can use the Homepage Management tool to create a new homepage and set it as the active homepage for your course.

Meet Your Instructor Widget

One of the most helpful course widgets is the Meet Your Instructor widget. Below are directions for adding the widget to your homepage and customizing it.  

Attendance Registers

The attendance tool allows instructors to track student’s presence and participation in any number of course activities. Attendance information can be useful as a metric of student engagement in combination with other course participation information.

Customize the Course Banner

The Course Banner will be one of the first things a student sees when they login to your course in Brightspace.

Manage Dates

The Manage Dates tool can be used to control the due dates, start and end dates, and calendar visibility for the items in your course. You can access this tool by visiting Course Admin, then selecting Manage Dates.

Pinning Courses

Brightspace allows the user to Pin/Unpin courses to the dashboard.

"Reset" Course

If resetting the whole course isn’t practical for some reason, the previously recommended method for removing material from different aspects of your course is still available. Follow the steps below depending on which area that you want to reset in your course.

Switching to "Student View"

Sometimes, you may want to verify/confirm that your course will appear to students as you intend it too. You can use the “View As” tool in Brightspace in order to view your course as a student.

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